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1000 Men Rally 4th Anniversary

        ground  for  sowing. As  a  prophet   liberties & opportunities through the  social exclusion, discrimination, and
        of  God. I am required  to break  the   National Summons.  The Word says in  disenfranchisement.  These  barriers
        clods.  The prophet  represents  God   John 8:36, “ If the Son therefore shall  prevent Reformed Ex-offenders from
        metaphorically  as the  ploughman.   make you free you are free indeed.”   successfully reintegrating into society
           The        heart of man is  like   The Redeemed Men of God stand with  and thus inhibiting their ability to lead
                        the “fallow ground”,   the Reformed Ex-Offenders and walk  crime free lives. This is a non-partisan,
                           that having once   with them as  they  reenter society.  non-political,non-denominational
                             been     tilled  It is our commitment to help ensure  issue  and  movement.  These  are
                               has     lain  that  more  than cell  doors open  for  human rights issues  that  adversely
                               uncultivated    them.  We the Men of God, some  who  affect who we are as a people, living
                               in righteous-  have carried this label “Ex-Offender”  in a free country”, says Bloomer.
                              ness,          are developing not another program,
                             be c o m ing    but a Movement,”  Bloomer says.      According to  Bloomer, ENS will
                            hard obdurate,                                        provide  a pathway through  the  faith
                            barren     and   Bishop George Bloomer reports that  base community and serve as a voice
                            unfruitful.  The   it seem  like  many years ago   that  for  Ex-Offenders,  their  families and
                           ministry of  the   he  was  locked  away in New York’s  friends  to  be heard.   “We  will offer
                           Word  of  God     notorious  Riker’s  Island  Prison.  resolutions  to the  plight of  people
        is  my plough and I the  minister  am   “The prison became  my processing  re-entering society with limited  to
        the  ploughman.  Regardless  of  the   chamber  the  place  where  the  Lord  no way to meet their basic needs or
        fact that  I have  been  given  the  title   would finally get His “Yes” out of me.  family needs  after  prison.  Though
        of “The General of Warfare,” I never   Ultimately, all God  wants  is a yes.  we will address  the  whole man,
        steal God’s Glory. I acknowledge that   Despite the  trials and tribulation  of  ultimately it is  about  transforming
        God  makes  the  ministrations  useful   my life God placed inside me a fiber of  Reformed Ex-Offenders to Redeemed
        for  the  convicting  of  the  mind and   sustainability that only He could have  Ex-offenders”,  says Bloomer.
        the  heart and the  breaking of the   woven.  He not only had a plan for my
        heart into pieces.  The heart of man   life, He had purpose for my life, even  Bishop  Bloomer  has committed
        is becoming  more  unsusceptible  to   during  the  episodes  of  lawlessness  to take the  ENS  movement  across
        seed which means, we have a lot of   and disobedience” Bloomer says.      the  nation  in collaboration with co-
        work to do  and  we  must  start with                                     founders Pastor  Gregory L. James,
        men,” says Bloomer.                  Bloomer testifies that men who find  Tallahassee,  FL and Bishop  Himrod
                                             themselves  on  the  opposite  side  Ambroise,  Orange,  NJ and  other
        When  asked  how  does  he  see      of  the  law,  and  are  finally  released  Presiding Prelates and Senior Pastors
        man’s condition? Bishop  Bloomer     from  prison are  released  with an  across the nation.   As a Messenger of
        responded,  “fragile.”   “I know that   expectation  from the  system that  Deliverance, Hope, and Redemption,
        man’s condition is fragile but God has   they will be back.  “How else can we  and his recent acceptance  as the
        not forsaken  or  forgotten  man. The   explain the  release  granted  access  Host of the Word Network, he says he
        condition of man is my inspiration for   denied” concept that is systematically  believes it is all in divine timing, “I am
        the Ex-Offenders National Summons    enforced throughout this country?”    really  excited  about  every platform
        (ENS).  The men of God are serving                                        God  affords  me  for  the  purpose  of
        notice  across this nation  that  we   When asked  why a summons?    winning souls for Him. We accept our
        are in position and we are recruiting   Bloomer  reported,  “A summons  is  assignment as Spiritual Wardens.......
        even  more  men  to  become not just    a  notice  sent  out  by the  authority
        watchmen but spiritual wardens. We   of  a  government  entity.  We  are  the
        can no longer work separately but we   authority in the Kingdom of God and   Join Bishop George Bloomer  on Rejoice  in
        will begin working in kingdom alliance.    we are serving notice to those making   the  Word  Network Friday Nights @8:30pm
                                                                                  Eastern.  The Word  Network is in 80  million
        The Ex-offender’s National Summons   decisions which inhibit ex-offenders’   homes  in America,  200  countries  and  in
        is  an independent  member  service,   successful  re-entry  by use  of  legal   several languages.
        led  by Redeemed  Ex-Offenders. Our   discrimination, disenfranchisement
        vision  is  equality for  Reformed  Ex-  and social exclusion and that includes
        Offenders, and  empowering them      the  church. Ex-Offenders’ National
        with one voice.  There are 5.3 Million   Summons–ENS is driven by the needs
        people  in the  United  Sates who  are   of  Ex-offenders and  their  families.
        affected by disenfranchisement.  It is   We  work  to  reduce  crime  first  and
        the goal of ENS to free Ex-Offenders’   foremost by overcoming the barriers of

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