Page 15 - LifelineInaugural
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Entrepreneur– would’ve turned out if McGriff “son” position. “Along the way he
Lawrence McGriff hadn’t stepped in and became hit a pothole. Somehow on the road
his mentor. Sands believes that
to destiny they became fathers
all students should have a chance and forgot that they were sons.
like he has been given. “Help us We have to restore fathers back to
out, not just African Americans, sons,” says Powell. “The church
but all races. We all face some of has to become the surrogate
the same problems.” After working mother and father to all who are
at All in One or two months Sands lost not just people in the church.
says that if he doesn’t become a The church has to be the surrogate
NBA player, then he would most mother and father to the young
likely become a business owner men who are joining gangs, and
and use the some of the same dropping out of school, the single
“Instead of playing a game, try to tactics that McGriff uses. mothers, the former offender who
create a game” is a quote that 15 is reentering society. The church ,
year old Shamorey(Morey) Sands 1000 Men Rally salute Bro. which is me and other believers like
is used to hearing. Working in Lawrence McGriff as a 2011 Men me, is the key to the reconciliation
Lawrence McGriff’s All in One Hair Maker and realignment of man.” Bishop
Store, this is something that the Powell joined the 1000 Men Rally
Leon High student hears on a daily in 2009, because it correlated with
basis. “Each day I get off from work, Bishop Victor L. Powell, his God given mandate to connect
I take something from it.” Sands Rhema Cathedral, men with Spiritual Fathers. As a
said after McGriff introduced him Presiding Bishop who has a very
to CNN and MSNBC. Albany GA poignant prison ministry, he has
identified that Black men are
McGriff decided to hire Sands imprisoned primarily because
after attending a town hall meeting they lack the “father piece.” He
where Reverend Gregory James declares that, “this has nothing
spoke to local business owners on to do with the incompetency of
hiring at-risk youth to keep them the mother but the absence of
out of the streets. McGriff didn’t the father.” Bishop Powell has
waste any time in hiring his youth. authored and published training
He hired Sands in June and hasn’t manuals and is an international
thought twice about it. Since. facilitator for leadership training,
“Since he has been working here, prison ministries, parenting and
he has matured and now is even “It is known that every man men ministries to name a few.
mentoring my 11 year old son. He has a journey and even if he is Bishop Powell is known as the
has really grasped the concept of handed a map, most maps do father of sons across this nation.
“Each one reaches one, teaches not show where the potholes are He has formed male mentoring
one” and makes me proud each in the road. Thus, unexpectedly programs that match men who
day,” McGriff says. “While Morey you hit one or two and suddenly have hit the potholes with stable
is at work, I make sure that the everything is out of alignment.” men who can help realigned them
television is on MSNB, CNN, and Bishop Powell believes that is as sons. When asked what is the
the Bloomberg report. I want him what has happened to man. On message every pastor should be
to get into the habit of reading the his way to destiny he hit a pothole giving men? Bishop Powell replied
news and not going on what and he just got out of alignment. “God never changed His mind
people tell you,” McGriff Everyone knows that potholes are about man. You must understand
tells. really not that deep, but they are your original identity. You are the
Sands says that the dangerous. They cause problems image of God, no matter your
job has changed his with suspension, cause accidents, past you have been created in the
life. “I learned how to and usually present themselves as image of God.”
manage my money, because invisible until you are just too close
before I was spending money to prevent hitting them without We salute Bishop Victor L. Powell
left and right, and now I have a swirving out of control. as a 1000 Men Rally Men Maker.
bank account which helps me
track my spending.” Sands says Bishop Victor L. Powell says that
that he doesn’t know how his life we have to realign man back to his