Page 16 - LifelineInaugural
P. 16
Bishop George Bloomer Sends
Ex-Offenders National Summons
By Gregory L. James
By: Gregory L. James
Bishop George Bloomer rushes to
respond to Life-Line Magazine’s
request for an exclusive interview for
which he has allotted 30 minutes. It’s
just past midday and he is scheduled
to take a flight in the afternoon, plus
go live to announce the new Rejoice comprised of over 83 churches
Show for the Word Network and then nationwide and abroad; and founder
off to the next meeting. In the interim and publisher of Blooming House
of it all, he appears unshaken by the Publishers, a Christian publishing
demands. In an exclusive interview “George.” I searched and there it company for new authors who find it
with Life-Line, Bishop Bloomer was “George,” meaning farmer, difficult to get published, yet have a
graciously afforded us a transparent also George was also known as a seasoned word from the Lord. Bishop
view into his life. knight who became a patron saint Bloomer holds to his credit a degree
of England and achieved legendary of Doctor of Religious Arts in Christian
Our first question, how do you do status through the medieval story of Psychology and is a best-selling
it? The inquiry was satisfied with a his struggle and fight with the devil. author. He is best known as a prophet
familiar scripture; “Before I formed Suddenly Jeremiah 1:5 was made and “The General of Warfare.”
thee in the belly I knew thee and before flesh and the real verdict was in; God When asked, what does all this
thou camest forth out of the womb, I knows who I am” says Bloomer. mean? Bloomer responded “God has
sanctified thee, and ordained thee a invested in me and he is expecting a
prophet unto nations……..”Jeremiah Bishop George G. Bloomer, a native return. He gave me the name that
1:5. “That’s what He said to me,“ of Brooklyn, New York, has served means farmer and devil fighter. He
says Bloomer. That’s what God said as an evangelist for fourteen years. equipped me with a name, and He
to George “the then gangster, drug His pastorship began in 1996 as gave me His Word, which is now my
abusing” Bloomer. He ordained me the founder and Senior Pastor of spiritual almanac. He has taught me
of all people. He chose me. He even Bethel Family Worship Center in when to plant and when to harvest;
gave me my name “George.” Durham, North Carolina. As the how to weed out and how to sow; when
Presiding Bishop, he is the founder to look for rain where to turn when
“Since I only learned to read about of Young Witnesses for Christ, a youth there is no rain.” The Gospel of Mark
16 years ago what my name meant evangelistic outreach ministry with 4:14 says “the farmer sows seeds
didn’t mean anything to me. Then several chapters on college campuses by taking God’s words to others.” “I Cont on next page
one day with all this technology, I throughout the United States; Bishop am a sower of seed, but before seed
decided to seek explanation of why of C.L.U.R.T. (Come Let Us Reason can be sown, I am required to plough.
would my mother give me the name Together) International Assemblies, God has required that I prepare the