Page 11 - LifelineOct
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the NAACP and the Urban League; to what the Bible says about it and It’s not all the pastors…I think it’s a
and the Church has to help rebuild why you should be very conscious of great influx of pastors really involved
that infrastructure. who you’re voting for in that regard. in political activities…especially in
There’s a good case that happened the community. So I think at large
According to Peterman, fear is not two years ago during a presidential the pastors really need to know the
an option for pastors. “It is my faith election when a pastor in Texas came language of the generation.”
that the Spirit of God will give us the out and he was speaking in favor of
comprehensive ability to manifest a candidate over another one. The Pastor Sylvester Robinson, St. Mark
the strength of God to turn the lives federal government (IRS) wanted to Missionary Baptist Church, Quincy,
around of people who are hurting. come out and take his tax exempt Florida: “The major problem is
It will take a concerted effort; a status. He went to court and he won the college of clergy has lost our
collective group of pastors. We have cause his overall point was that I’m platform. We’ve lost our voice. We
to be prayerful enough and patient speaking on behalf of what I know… are not coming together as one to
LIFELINE Exclusive enough to hammer out an agenda to what I’m educating my members on. make a stand and
demand. Because
So that’s important to understand.
forge ahead. However, faith without
work is dead and as pastors and as a We have to know how government not what we have
community, we have to work.”
is a silent church
PASTORS AND POLITICS Life Line Magazine had an opportunity LifeLine Magazine: “What can pastors in a noisy world, so
therefore we are
to sit down with various pastors in the do to engage our communities in the
issues because we
North Florida community to discuss political process?” not challenging any
the responsibility of the church, as it at a local level—and I’m not talking
pertains to government and voting. Pastor Helen Johnson Robinson – about individuals—just collectively as
This is what they had to say: Bethel AME Church in Monticello, FL. African American Pastors whether it’s
“Well first of all we’ve got to get the Missionary Baptist, AME or Primitive
LifeLine Magazine: “Why do you think message out to our people that we Baptist or Non-Denominational, as
the pastor’s voices are sometimes have not arrived. Even though we have African American Pastors we have not
muffled when it comes to politics?” an African –American President, we created the platform where we have
still have not arrived. the voice for government period. We
Pastor Darrick McGee, Bible Base There are a lot of got to put Alex Sink into office. We got
Church, Tallahassee, FL– “I think issues that concern to get behind Allen Boyd. We got to
a lot of times what happens is the us and it’s being get behind Meeks. No longer can we
pastors are fought constantly, and sit back and be in the back.”
so concerned policies that could be
about the put in place—they’re Pastor Chester Brown, Shady Grove
501c3 and fought against constantly. So we’ve Missionary Baptist
violating the tax got to really impress upon our people Church, Tallahassee,
requirements that we are not there yet. Just because FL:
and things of we had a major victory in 2008, the “We have to teach
that nature. battle is not over. We still have to get our community the
What’s important to understand is out there and do grassroots. “ importance of voting
that if you read the tax guide from and how that’s tied
the fed government, it doesn’t stop Pastor Gerald Thomas, Greater to freedom. We
you from talking about matters that Harvest Full Gospel, Gretna, FL must take responsibility for instilling
are pertaining to politics. It stops this value in our children early. We
you from using the pulpit to endorse “In Isaiah 9:6 there’s a structure should teach them our history of
a candidate on behalf of that church. that the church has to build a struggle. We should take them to the
Now a pastor can get up and speak in structure. That structure is knowing polls with us. As it relates to those
favor of a candidate as an individual the language of the diversity of our who are already voting age, we must
Cont on next page to use the church as a whole. For community as a pastor. I think that African Americans is blood bought
voter, but it’s important for them not communities. I’m involved in the never let them forget that voting for
example, if a pastor is preaching we have to know the language of the right and not just some privilege we
about life and a candidate is against generation. If we’re going to win the were given. Voting is not just a right
abortion, well it’s important for you to generation then we got to know the but it has to be a resolve for African
be able to educate the members as language of the generation.