Page 6 - LifelineOct
P. 6
Amendments Are Important
By State Representative Alan Williams
“The Amendments Are AMENDMENT 2- TAXES
Very important!” In an
effort to create a more A vote FOR Amendment 2 would:
informed voting body, I • Reduce property taxes for military personnel
am encouraging all voters • Limit local property tax revenues statewide
to become acclimated
with the amendments A vote AGAINST Amendment 2 would:
that will be listed on this • Leave property taxes for military personnel at their
year’s ballot. Throughout current rates
my experience in politics • Would not place a new limit on property taxes for
and public service, I have interacted with a number military personnel
of citizens who have felt that the amendments were
simply “not important”. The syllogism in this argument is AMENDMENT 4- PROPERTY RIGHTS
centered on the fact that the verbiage used to summarize
amendments is not clear and concise; therefore, many A vote FOR Amendment 4 would:
voters are confused as to how the amendments will truly • Would change the current land use planning system
affect their family and their community. To counter their to require citizen referendums on comprehensive plan
argument, I am stating boldly that “The amendments are changes
very important.”
• Reduce the amount of authority that elected officials
have for land planning
To ensure that every voter is informed on the amendments,
I have listed and simplified all of the amendments that A vote AGAINST Amendment 4 would:
will appear on your ballot. I am encouraging everyone to • Maintain current level of public input with regards to
familiarize themselves with the amendments so that we land planning
may empower and better our communities. Remember a • Districts shall not be drawn to deny racial
vote-less people is a hope-less people. I look forward to or language minorities the equal opportunity
seeing you at the polls. to participate in the political process and elect
representatives of their choice.
AMENDMENTS (#3, #7 and #9 were removed from the • Districts must be equal in population
A vote FOR Amendment 1 would: Districts Florida”
• End campaign financing that requires expenditure of
public money Summary:
• End limits on campaign spending
• Reduce the number of candidates who could afford to • Legislative districts may not be drawn to favor or
run for office disfavor an incumbent or political party.
• Districts shall not be drawn to deny racial or language
A vote AGAINST Amendment 1 would: minorities the equal opportunity to participate in the
• Continue the present system of campaign financing political process and elect representatives of their
• Continue to allow the public to finance political choice.
campaigns • Districts must be equal in population
A vote FOR Amendments 5 and 6 would:
• Set non-political standards for redistricting
• Reduce the gerrymandering of districts
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