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LIFELINE Exclusive

                                                             Pastor Frank Peterman talks about
                                         PASTORS AND POLITICS

            By Gregory L. James

            Pastor  Frank  Peterman  wrapped  wrote the first ordinance and the first   commitment  is  demonstrated  in  his
            in what you can see is an ancestral  order of government,” said Peterman.   development  of  a  project  called  the
            strength  and  humility,  is  embraced  That was to be our guide.        Nehemiah  Group,  in  St.  Petersburg
            by  an  unquestionable  divinity  that                                   whose purpose was to fight Black on
            shapes  the  contours  of  pastor  and  As a pastor who has been in civic life   Black Crime and to fight injustices in
            politics.  As the pastor of  The Rock of  for many years, he has served as a   the community.  Peterman, who holds
            Jesus Missionary Baptist Church, St.  City  Councilman,  in  St.  Petersburg,   fast  to  pastors’  responsibilities  to
            Petersburg, Florida and the Secretary  Florida  and  as  a  State  Legislature.    their parishioners and the community
            for the Department of Juvenile Justice  He  said  that  distinguishing  the  role   said,  “the  world  does  not  have  a
            for the State of Florida, he has seen  of pastor and politician can be a little   panacea for our social ills, only God
            upfront how politics affect people and  bifurcated.  “As  a  preacher  you  are   does.”    Because  of  that  belief,  he
            how pastors carry the burden of the  protected sometimes because people   expressed that it is pastors’ civic duty
            effects.  “African American preachers  will  not  approach  you  with  certain   to  be  involved,  “they  should  always
            changed the world, that’s our legacy.  things, because they know what you   be  involving  themselves  in  politics,
            We had this DNA in us even before Dr.  stand  for.  It’s  a  blessing  because   it’s the right thing to do based on the
            Martin Luther King,” said Peterman.  people  know  you  won’t    move  in   Word of God.”
                                                 a  certain  direction.”    According  to
            During  an  exclusive  interview  with  Peterman the tough part is when you   Though  sometimes  it  appears  that
            LifeLine, in Tallahassee, Florida, the  have to make hairsplitting decisions   the  African  American  pastor’s  voice
            48  year  old  Pastor  and  Politician  that  the  world  thinks  should  be  a   is  recessed  at  a  grass  root  level,
            opened  up  and  talked  candidly  certain  way,  but  your  faith  thinks   Peterman’s  response  is  one  of
            about  the  responsibility  of  pastors  should be another way.          support  and  honor  for  pastors.    “I
            and the role they must play in policy  “Fighting  that  battle,  knowing  you   don’t  generalize  pastors,  because
            and politics. The interview which was  can’t  compromise  –that’s  difficult,   there are pastors who are on the front
            set for 30 minutes lasted almost an  because  the  world  won’t  always   line doing amazing things.”  However,
            hour,  as  the  pastoral  commitment  understand why you champion some   he also admitted there needs to be
            flowed  from  Pastor  Peterman  as  things and oppose others.”           a social outrage and social outreach
            though he had a reservoir waiting to                                     from the pulpit.  “We have to talk about
            be released.   Peterman opened the  He said he tries to use the Bible as   social ills and unequal treatment. We
            biblical  history  book  of  government  his reference point. It’s that reference   have to do this for ourselves. We must
            dating  back  to  Moses.  He  repealed  point that substantiates his belief that   get  involved  with  what’s  happening
            the  concept  of  a  dichotomy  of  the  pastors  should  always  be  involved   with the juvenile justice system, as it  Cont on next page
            church and government.               in  civic  life.  “We  should  always  be   is comprised of predominately African
            “It  was  never  intended  to  be  a  pushing people to the polls. We should   American children.”  He resolves that
            dichotomy  between  the  two.  Moses  always  be  fighting  for  justice.”    His   we must rebuild our infrastructure of
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