Page 16 - LifelineOct
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togEthEr, we can
the magnitude the November 2010 suppose all of us decided not to vote. continue the march
election holds for the future of our Where would our communities be?
country. How would it feel to not have any
input in our representation at the
Recent polls are predicting that Blacks various levels of government? Let us toward changE!
are among the key groups who are not forget the unalienable rights that
unlikely to turn out in large numbers our ancestors fought and died.
this election season, contrary to the
Black voter participation in 2008. When ALL of us take to the polls, the
While there may be many excuses impact we can make is monumental, cast your votE to ElEct
as to why many African Americans just as the impact our foot soldiers
may not participate in the political made on America and world at the canDiDatEs who will work
process, we must remember to look at reflection pool, in 1962 during the
the bigger picture. African Americans March on Washington. President with prEsiDEnt obama to:
neither America has seen all the Obama states, “What made the Civil
changes we seek yet. However, we Rights Movement possible were foot
remain patient and support President soldiers like so many of you, sitting • Create better paying jobs
Obama’s Administration and their down at lunch counters and standing
“It’s not surprising given the hardships efforts to improve not just America, up for freedom.” • Invest in our communities
that we’re seeing across the land that but also the world’s view of America. I say what makes it possible for me
a lot of people may not be feeling very and you to continue to enjoy the • Support working families
energized, very engaged right now. A Our economic standing, our rights and privileges of freedom in
lot of folks may be feeling like politics healthcare reform, our nation’s America are our vote. Our vote keeps
is something that they get involved stability and security will not change us free. If we really want to preserve
with every four years when there’s a overnight. We must continue to make freedom, we must vote for those who
presidential election, but they don’t our voices heard and elect those value our freedom, vote for those who Join us on FacEbook
see why they should bother the rest who will serve the best interest of can still see our reflection when they
of the time.” Those were the words our communities and nation. That is look at the Washington Monument Paid for by FACE: Vote for Dignity
14645 NW 77th Ave, Suite 201
of our President as he spoke to the only way to guarantee our rights, Reflection Pool and vote so they can Miami Lakes, Florida 33014, and Follow us on twittEr
members of our community, regarding our privileges and our freedom. Just see our reflection in the poll numbers. not authorized by any candidate
or candidate’s committee.
ElEction Day is novEmbEr 2
Early voting: octobEr 18 - 30
Dates and locations:
Early votE sunDays: oct. 24 & oct. 31
sign up your church! Visit
“rEp your colors”
sign up your organization to vote early and volunteer.
For more information about volunteering to
16 help get out the vote, email: