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t seems like yesterday when God planted in these same men are now being released from prison,”
Gregory L. James the vision of the 1000 Men says James. “Men have big shoes to fill; and even bigger
Rally. But, it was not yesterday. It was almost when they are ex-offenders. As a Redeemed Ex-offender,
4 years ago. Since that time the Rally has gone nobody can imagine what it is like to be released from
Ifrom Walker-Ford Community Center, to the prison and then be denied access to basic human rights
Court House Square of Gadsden County, to Downtown and opportunities; not unless you have lived it or you
Tallahassee, Florida. Though the locations have changed, are living it. Yes........ I make it look easy, but it is not
the mandate has remained the same; to empower men to easy,” says James.
take their position in their community, their families, their
State, their nation. Some may debate whether there is You can see the passion of James’ desire for the
any significant result from these efforts. Well according redemption of all men through his eyes, as tears begin
to Pastor Gregory James, the visionary; God says, “Yes I to flow down a face that appears to have aged slightly
am pleased.” during his 13 years of incarceration. With a pause to
compose himself he continues, “it’s not just the physical
“As the 1000 Men Rally celebrates this 4th year in the bars of prison and societal restrictions that have strong-
making, we have to announce to you why the number 4
is so significant,” says James. Even if I were to look at held our freedom”, says James. “The spirit of man has
numbers superficially, I could readily see the significance. been confined. We have to free the spirit of man. Man
However, I look at numbers spiritually and as we tend to was made in the image of God his mere breath is God’s
see through a dim glass and know only in part, so it has breath,” says James. When asked, how then has man
been with the 1000 Men Rally. We only knew in part what allowed so much to come in and present itself contrary
God’s ultimate plan was for this vision. This number 4 to who God says he is? James responded, “deception.”
represents universality in the spirit realm”, says James. “Man has been deceived and that’s what the 1000 Men
“It is derived from the four directions of the compass Rally is about. It is about reminding men who they really
being all points, all directions, helping one navigate the are. God told man who he was in the beginning. Even
four corners of the earth. It is not a coincidence that in after the falter in the Garden of Eden, He did not take
this 4th year God would establish a national mandate man’s authority. He added more responsibility. Let Us
for a national summons, or that He would shift us from Make Man is a call for all of us to join in and bring man
a motivational movement to Ministry, Empowerment & from the ground up, that he may accept responsibility,
Networking”, says James. accountability and walk in the authority he has been
given. Man can only do that through Christ. We have to
The 1000 Men Rally has had several mantras over the get him to Christ, that is our commitment”, says James.
years but this year James reports “Let us Make Man” will
be the annual mantra from now on. “It’s a call to action. The Annual 1000 Men Rally is held every summer, with
The making of man is critical to survival of our families the focus being on men, but the beneficiary also being
and communities. My calling is to minister to men. I was the families and communities.
locked away 13 years with men who were lost, hurting,
and uncertain of their present and their future. Some of Visit the for more information.
By: Willie Dawkins-Miller