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Kingdom Take Over 1000 Men Rally: 4 Years Later By: Pastor Darrick D. McGhee
n order for there to be a true “Kingdom Takeover”, to be next “souljah boy” instead of the next Kingdom
we must understand what the Kingdom really is and soldier. It is this rebellion that has many of our young
what the kingdom is not. The Kingdom is greater ladies wanting to be the next “Nikki Minaj” and never
than any denomination or religion. It is greater becoming the women they have been called to be. With
Ithan mega-ministries or pastoral personalities. It a country that appears to conform to everything contrary
is greater than sermonic hymns or seminary scholars. It to the Christian principles it was established upon, we
is greater than the size of any Sunday offering or choir. have strayed far away from the Kingdom agenda.
The Kingdom is the spiritual domain over which God is
sovereign. The Kingdom paradigm goes beyond the four The question is, how do we go into the enemy’s camp
walls of a building to the world around us. It is a mentality! and take back what has been stolen? We need keys.
As we search for answers in the midst of turmoil, nothing Matthew 16:19 says, “I will give unto thee the keys of
seems to resolve the issue. The secure job has ended with the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind
a pink slip, the 401k has been reduced, the value of your on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you
home has hit rock bottom and all of a sudden everything loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” We have
that was, is no more and the only thing that is remaining the keys that permit and prohibit what happens in the
is the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom mindset has to earth. Whatever we prohibit on earth God will prohibit in
become our modus operandi now if we plan to be more heaven. Whatever we permit on earth God will permit in
than conquerors. heaven. If it’s going wrong it is because we the Christian
Believer permit it. We refuse to lock it up. In spite of the
tragedies we hear about or the despair we see, I believe
we are in the right season for a Kingdom Takeover. Our
world is in dire need of this takeover (more than we may
ever know). This is a clarion call to the body of Christian
believers that it is time for us to get back in our rightful
places. No more living beneath what the Lord has
declared for us. No more accepting this world’s order
and business as usual. It is “Kingdom Takeover Time.”
Men, it is time for us to reverse the statistical trends,
which say we are an endangered species.
While the statistics appear grimacing, we are in the right
season for a Kingdom Takeover. We will takeover all that
Have you ever studied the basic training requirements is not pleasing to Almighty God. We will takeover that
for men and women attempting to enter into the life which restores the Glory back to its rightful place. We will
of military service? To a non-military individual, the takeover and shake the very foundation of the world’s
thought of putting yourself through such demanding belief systems. We will takeover and send the message
drills is ridiculous. However, to the man or woman who “for God I live and for God I die!” We will takeover and
is committed to such a life, the drills are approached the father’s face will be back in the family portrait.
with the mindset of “if this is what I have to endure to get
where I desire to be ... BRING IT ON!” They do not whine NOW IS THE TIME. WE ARE KINGDOM CITIZENS AND
about how unrealistic the drills appear. They just dig down IT IS TIME FOR US TO TAKE BACK WHAT HAS BEEN
and give it their all. They do not ask for leniency; and STOLEN FROM US. THIS IS A CALL TO ALL WHO CARE. IT
while the United States Armed Forces prepares to protect IS TIME FOR US TO LOCK ARMS AND TAKE BACK WHAT
us from the enemy invasion from afar, the enemy is still IS RIGHTFULLY GOD-ORDAINED.
creeping around our homeland. We, the Kingdom minded _________________
Christian, wants to resort to the explanation “that God will
take care of us.” As long as that manifestation is seen, Pastor Darrick D. McGhee (affectionately known as Pastor D) is the
we are well. But as soon as God desires to stretch us, under-shepherd of the Bible Based Church in Tallahassee, FL. To
we quickly rebel. It is because of this rebellion that the learn more about Pastor D and to read the daily devotional ministry
Christian impact on our world appears to be bleak. It is entitled: Meditation Moments with Minister McGhee©, please
this rebellion that causes the fathers to be absent from visit You can also join the Meditation
Moments with Minister McGhee© group on Facebook, as well as the
the homes. It is this rebellion that makes our sons desire Bible Based Church – Tallahassee, FL group on Facebook.