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use the baseball field facilities at Jackson Heights Park, They formed an organization called, “GOOD KIDS,”
which had been closed after the ruling to stop funding which stands for Giving of Ourselves Daily through
for the city league. Kind Interaction & Dedicated Service. To support this
program, Markey and Farrah have used personal funds
“It was a blessing that city officials voted unanimously to sponsor community events, buy school supplies for
in favor of letting us use the facility,” he reflected. “This kids in need, and sponsor field trips.
is the same park where I grew up playing tee-ball
and baseball and I’m honored to be able to keep the “Helping children better themselves has become a way
tradition going.” of life for both of us,” Farrah Rivers said. “To be honest,
when we work all day, parent our children, and work
Rivers ran into obstacles starting his league. Most with GOOD KIDS, it’s sometimes tiring, but we wake up
notably, the same reason the city had revoked its each day ready to do it all over again. It’s our purpose.”
league: financing the event.
Today at the baseball park, the kids are in excitement
Rivers explained, “Well initially [my wife and I] had no mode because when they wake tomorrow, they will
outside money to help out with this project. We were participate in the Rivers’ plan for a perfect ending to
forced to spend from our savings to make it happen. their first independent baseball league season. The
We both felt good about the investment. I saw it like couple plan to take the team to see the New York
this, as a Wall Street broker invests in stock to make Yankees take on the Tampa Bay Rays in Tampa.
his world a better place, I was investing in our kids to
make our community a better place.” “I teach all the children to strive to be good kids at all
times,” Markey Rivers said. “I believe good kids are
Farrah Rivers, Markey’s wife, says that it has not been forever rewarded.…I’m the biggest good kid of them
easy, but she enjoys the challenge of making it work. all. You see, once they grasps the GOODKIDS concept
She added that helping children has become a passion and give of themselves, the community is a better place
for both her and her husband. and then I’m rewarded,” he said smiling.
Together, their efforts stretch far beyond baseball.
Political Advertisement Paid for and approved by Curtis Richardson (D) State Senate, District 6
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