Page 26 - LifelineInaugural
P. 26
Man on a Mission
C all it coincidence, kismet, or fate, but Washington D.C. for the Nation’s Volunteer of the year,
by Willie Miller-Dawkins
Ken Scrubbs in his thundering baritone for his works in Federal Prisons; Special Congressional
voice wrapped in compassion and Recognition by United States Senator Bill Nelson for
empathy calls it “Divine Destiny”, service in the community; Distinguish Service Award
when lives collide and change forever. for the Department of Criminal Justice; He is also
Yet, chance encounters are not ever featured in the author of Purpose Driven Life, Rick
accidental; in fact, divine destiny is the Warren’s Ministry Toolbox for his extraordinary work
only explanation when paths cross and possibilities in prisons, employing
are realized. In 2006, the paths of Pastor Ken would the Purpose Driven
collide at Coleman Prison with then inmate Rev. Greg Life curriculum. He has
James. Pastor Ken, the Cultural Relations Pastor of served at the request of
First Baptist Church, Leesburg, Florida, has been in two Governors, former
prison ministry for years employing the Purpose Driven Governor Jeb Bush and
Life curriculum, and has established significant inroads Governor Charlie Crist.
to inmates. When he met Rev. James in 2006 at Pastor Ken has become
Coleman Prison, Rev. James along with fellow inmates known all over the
had written and produced a play about choices. Warden country for his services
Carlyle Holder cooperated to allow Pastor Ken to bring to his community, as
to the prison approximately 175 young people to see he develops model
the production. “It was amazing; the play, the props and projects in service
music was all integrated into a theatre performance delivery. His leadership
that had a major life changing impact on the children’s skills coupled with his
lives,” says Pastor Ken. He recalled seeing Rev. Greg heart of compassion,
James’ life being purpose driven even with a prison has thrust him into a
sentence of life +40 years. “We all make choices, but position of un-reckoning
it is the choices we make that make us.” Now, almost advocacy and un-bias positioning.
four years later Divine Destiny has once again taken
its’ authority in the lives of Pastor Greg and Pastor Ken, Currently, while still having time for his wife Linda and
bringing them together to partner across the State of their three adult children, Pastor Ken along with his
Florida to mentor youths. staff through the First Baptist Church Genesis Center,
mentors 160 children 5 days per week. He and his staff
Pastor Ken Scrubbs, a recognized and noted Pastor, visit the seven Leesburg district schools and provide
Leader and Humanitarian in the State of Florida, supplemental support and mentoring. He admits it is
has received infinite national, State and community the partnerships that ensure the success, “We mentor
recognitions and meritorious awards to include, the by modeling, because as we set high expectations
United States Attorney General Volunteer Award In of ourselves, we can set high expectations of our