Page 13 - LifelineInaugural
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Men’s Health 50. Prostate cancer affects all men differently. Some
will experience symptoms while others will not. The
heightens the importance of early screening which is
Prevention and Education disease may be slow in some and rapid in others which
vital to treatment and to increased quality of life.
by Dr. Angela Thornton Symptoms may include:
Associate Professor at Florida A&M University’s • Blood in urine or semen
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. • The need to urinate frequently especially at night
• Weak urine flow
Men’s health has emerged as an important public • Pain or burning while urinating
concern. Studies show that many men do not go to the • Inability to urinate
doctor regularly or have a primary physician. In most • Constant pain in lower back, pelvis or upper thighs
cases, these men are not getting screened for diseases • Painful ejaculation
that may impact their day-to-day activities and longevity.
In turn, this affects their families and decreases work Having a father, brother, or son who has had prostate
days which impacts them financially. Men are 24% less cancer or being black is a risk factor which warrant
likely than women to have visited a physician within the screening at least by the age of 40. There are two
past year. It is very important for all men to go to the tests that are commonly used to screen for prostate
doctor regularly and get physical exams. Prevention is cancer. The Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) in which a
vital to living longer and decreasing the incidence of doctor or nurse will insert a gloved, lubricated finger
complications and death. into the rectum, to feel the prostate. This allows the
examiner to estimate the size of the prostate and feel
Screening tests can detect diseases and allow any lumps or other abnormalities. Most men don’t get
treatment to start early, thus improving overall health tested because of the fear of this test which is painless.
and quality of life. It is important to go to the doctor The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test measures the
regularly and develop a good rapport with him or her PSA level in the blood.
so that you are comfortable in talking about any of your
health concerns. It is suggested to have the following Other things that may improve a man’s health are
screenings: exercising, eating healthy, maintaining a healthy
weight, minimizing drinking alcohol and smoking.
• Cholesterol checked annually starting at age 35 Daily exercising or excercise at least 3 times a week
• Blood pressure checked at least every 2 years is suggested. Excercise may be walking, dancing,
• Colorectal cancer test starting at age 50 swimming, working in the lawn, and or bicycling. Eating
a balanced diet of fruit and vegetables and reducing
It is also suggested that you speak with your physician the consumption of animal fat also contributes to a
about whether you should be tested for Sexually healthier life style.
Transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV. It is very important
to know your status because initiating therapy early If you are taking any medications make sure that you
decreases complications and improves overall health. know why you are taking them and know all the doses.
Early detection and intervention also decreases the If you have any questions about your medicines make
chance of spreading the disease to others. sure that you contact your doctor or discuss with
your local pharmacist. Take all medicines everyday
The most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer among according to the directions. Let your doctor know of
men are prostate, lung, and colorectal. Prostate cancer any side effects that you may experience.
affects African American men at a higher incidence Stay up-to-date with your immunizations. It is highly
rate and more aggressively than Caucasian men. It recommended that all people older than 50 years
is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in African of age and those between the age of 19 through 49
American men. There is a 19% chance (1 in 5) that an years of age with asthma, diabetes mellitus, and other
African American man will be diagnosed with prostate chronic diseases get flu shots each year. Your doctor
cancer in their lifetime and a 5% (1 in 20) chance of will consider your medical and immunization history
death. It is the fourth leading cause of death among when deciding which immunizations you need.
African American men over the age of 45. It is highly
recommended that African American men are screened So take charge of your health, educate yourself, find
at age 40 instead of the universal recommended age of you a physician and begin to get annual check-ups.
LIFELINE magazine 13